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Financial backing to support your project

Film Investment

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Don’t let budgets limit your vision

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It’s no secret that films can require a substantial amount of financing, with major studio productions drawing upon hundreds of millions. For independent film companies, creative visions can quickly run flat once the budget begins to diminish. Film investment ensures you have the financial backing needed to bring your visions to life.

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Funding the creative process

The many stages of film production can draw heavily on the budget and film investment allows each element to be completed successfully. Reputable directors and actors cost; hiring a film crew can be expensive; filming and editing can take longer than expected! Securing film investment reduces these financial pressures.

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Sync licensing success two male musicians recording and writing music with computer
Sync licensing success two male musicians recording and writing music with computer

No financial restrictions

Whether it’s part or full funding you need, our film investment can back projects of all sizes from independent short films to major releases covering all corners of the globe.

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Distribute to a global audience

You’ve done the hard-work, now present your masterpiece to a global audience with our film distribution services. Submit your film for distribution and we’ll only take a small commission from your great success!

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Sync licensing success two male musicians recording and writing music with computer
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Looking for more info?

Music Gateway offers a range of educational courses aimed at filmmakers of all levels. Learn from experienced players within the film industry and further your knowledge about the important aspects of filmmaking.

Film Investment: Your Guide To Film Investment 

Film investment is an excellent means of taking your project to the next level. There are many outfits investing in independent films with the hopes of seeing a return. But how does movie investment work? Let’s take a look at what it is and how you can receive film investment funds for your project.

Film Investment 101

Investing in a film is like any other investment, it is essentially a return of basis or of the principal investment. Profit-sharing, or the return on the investment, is the next thing to consider once the initial investment has been accounted for. 

The split is often even between the producer and investors. The film’s stars, writers, and director are paid from the producer’s profits.

Get Independent Film Investors To Invest In Your Project

Here we will take a look at how you can get independent film investors to invest in your project. 

Start Development With A Film Proposal

At this point, you should make sure you have your key cast and crew on board. Then once you’ve established this, you will need to write a film proposal. 

Present Your Film Business Plan To Investors

At this point, it is a good idea to package your film as if it is a business. This will show you are serious about making potential investors money.

Your business plan needs to be thorough and cover all bases, such as the budget for development, pre production, the shoot, post production and distribution. You will want to have each of these parts of production meticulously planned so you don’t seem like you’re winging anything as no one will want to put their money at risk!

Convince Investors With Film Revenue Projections

You will want to show that you can actually make a return on their investments. Film Revenue Projections is research on similar films with the same budget. This is so that you can get a low and high estimate for your film based on how these films performed at the box office.

Importance Of A Killer Trailer

Trailers are essentially a piece of content you put together in order to sell your film to the masses. This is why it is vital your trailers are enticing and leave the audience wanting more. 

A good trailer sets the tone for the film without giving too much away. 

There have been many trailers that show far too much about the plot and premise, which ultimately make paying to see the movie seem pointless. 

Additionally, be sure to pay attention to the modern format of trailers as that is what consumers are used to. Ensuring you have a killer trailer will help you massively with regards to sales and potential investors. 

Get Film Investment!

Here at Music Gateway, we would love to help you get an investment for your film! Here’s how it works:

Filmmakers will be able to pitch to us for investment representation, like an agency. You, the filmmaker, will apply with your project details and requirements.

If we feel your project has the potential to be great, you will sign an agreement. We will then pitch your project to our network of investors and broker any investment deals.

On success, we take a 7.5% commission on the investment raise.

Once this is done, you will have to pitch your film to the potential investors, but fear not! We will be there to help you with this ordeal. We will guide you on preparing your pitch, helping to provide any materials you may need (at a small cost). 

We then work with our partners and pitch to the network of film investors.

Our Final Thoughts On Film Investment 

We’ve taken a look at what film investment is and what it can mean for your project. Additionally, we’ve taken a look at what to prepare when finding film investors, including what makes a killer trailer. 

Music Gateway gives you the best chance at finding a film investor thanks to our excellent industry connections and resources. Be sure to get in touch with us today so we can help you with your project!

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